Free Plan

Free / Lifetime

Per Listing

A free listing with limitations including - restricted search visibility - client facing contact details omitted

  • Auto renewing
  • Listing as featured
  • Allow Customer Review
  • Claim Badge Included

Standard Plan


$ 29.99 / month

Per Listing

Allows the following: - Site wide visibility - Client facing contact details - Lasts 30 days - Tax Deductible

  • Auto renewing
  • Listing as featured
  • Last Name
  • Firm Name
  • Allow Customer Review
  • Claim Badge Included
  • Booking Included

Super Plan

$ 299.99 / 12 months

Per Listing

Allows the following: - Site wide visibility - Client facing contact details - Lasts 12 months - Tax Deductible

  • Auto renewing
  • Listing as featured
  • Last Name
  • Firm Name
  • Allow Customer Review
  • Claim Badge Included
  • Booking Included